Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Raw Challenge Day 9

I cannot begin to describe how nice it was getting back on my raw diet.  Just a few days of not following fully raw and I could feel a huge difference in my body and even in how I was thinking.  When I'm eating fully raw, I feel better hydrated and significantly more satisfied.  I don't have any cravings and my appetite is much more in check.

The first couple days were a little tough, with still craving my old foods, but with every day of this challenge, I am feeling more committed to this lifestyle. 

I kept foods very simple today, as I was getting back in the habbit.  I had a smoothie for breakfast and a monomeal for lunch.  Again, by the time I got to dinner, I just wasn't very hungry.  So I chose sleep instead. 

In the morning I went for a short run.  I ran two miles and walked a half mile.  I haven't been able to run since before Christmas, so I was very excited!

Tomorrow I'm planning to make a new recipe I've found for dinner and I am super excited about it!! 

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