21 Day Raw Vegan Challenge

Last fall, Solly and I decided we were going to try to go a month raw vegan. I had proposed a day and he wanted to give an entire month a try. Good thing this kid is cute and has more motivation than is normal for a seven year old boy. Originally we had planned for the month of January, then I stumbled on this 21 day challenge.


You can also catch Kristina on facebook here.


This woman is an incredible inspiration. She has a ton of videos about her raw lifestyle and some yummy recipes. So far everything I have tried has been incredible!

We also picked up the following books.



There are many more resources out there, but for now, this is where we are starting. I normally don't follow recipes, and ultimately would like to get to where I can cook raw without them, but as I am just getting started, I will be hitting the books for a while.

For the duration of our challenge, I will be posting daily, with lots of pictures. I might even convince Solly to do a few interviews along the way to share his side of the story.

While I would like to lose some weight, this is in no way my intent for taking on this challenge. I will be documenting all changes that I've noticed, but simply for keeping me honest and giving me little reasons to celebrate. I am mostly interested in a healthy lifestyle that gives me energy and keeps me feeling great.

Also, during this challenge, the other two in our house right now, my husband and oldest son, will not be attempting this challenge with Solly and myself. So I may be posting some nonchallenge related posts of recipes as well.

Update 1/7/14 7:00 AM
Check out Day 1 and 2's post at http://melsmodernkitchen.blogspot.com/2014/01/raw-challenge-day-1-and-2-january-5-and.html

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