I have wanted to get a blog going for a while now, but have not had the time or confidence until now. I want to use this post as an opportunity to introduce myself and my family as well as to lay a foundation for what I would like to accomplish here.
Fallon, 10, is my oldest and only girl. When she was 6 years old, she was diagnosed with celiac. It is amazing how far our society has come with the gluten free options in the past four years; however Fallon and I agree that we have not come far enough! We enjoy spending our summers working on gluten free recipes that are new and exciting. She goes to school in upstate New York.
Jonah, 8, is my middle child and oldest living with us full time. He is a ball of energy and a bottom-less pit when it comes to food. He is always ready and willing to try anything and everything I create in the kitchen, and usually makes sure we don't have any leftovers. In the past few months he has started to get more excited about helping Mom in the kitchen. My challenge with Jonah is making sure he gets the calories he needs, without feeding the rest of our family three times the calories they really need.
Solomon (Solly), 7, is the current baby of our family, and he knows it! This sweet boy is a little more particular with his eating habits, but with a more “refined” palate, as I like to refer to it. He likes his food to have texture and interesting flavors. A good example is that he hates American singles cheese, but loves goat and blue cheese. He typically eats a small fraction of what his older brother will, but occasionally he will give his brother a good run for his money.
This leaves my husband, Ric. Early in our relationship he would give me trouble whenever I decided to explore in the kitchen. I can’t even begin to list all the things he was sure he didn’t like. In the past four years I have enjoyed making him eat his words (literally), almost as much as he has. J Giving credit where credit is due, he has without a doubt become my partner in crime. This man is amazing on the grill! We have enjoyed countless weekends with him on the grill, me in the kitchen and the kids running between.
Until 2009, Ric had spent most of his life in upstate New York, and myself in Texas. We are a blended family and love raising our children and spending quality family time together.
So now that I have introduced my family I’ll get down to business. I have several goals I wish for this blog to accomplish, all food related.
Get the word out on gluten free eating, and how
fun and exciting it can be!
For this I am going to share recipes that Fallon
and I have worked on and our family has approved. Our goal is to make meals that you don’t miss
the gluten or can’t tell it’s not there.
I have a nice list of recipes to get started with this goal, if any
future readers have any suggestions or requests, I love experimenting, so
please let me know!
Share weeknight dinner ideas that can appease
the insane appetites of two growing boys.
While making sure they are nutritious and not
ruining the waste lines of the rest of the family.
Share my love and passion for being in the
I hope that I can encourage others to enjoy cooking
and see how empowering it is to know what goes into the food we eat. And how easy it can be for a working family
to make cooking a family affair.
As I said above, I was raised by an incredible woman, who happened to be a French trained chef. My mother has the ability in the kitchen to get children involved and excited and I like to think I have a little of that in myself. All of my kitchen training has come from 20 years of cooking with my mom and 9 years of exploring on my own. I look forward to my first “real” post and what this new venture brings.
à bientôt!
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